Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Solitaire Game Play Options Update

The Solitaire Game Play Options document has been updated. The main change is in regard to the Determining Shot Type rules. In the previous version, if a player rated to shoot from both outside and inside did not attempt a three-point or penetration shot in certain situations, then a die roll against the shooting stars would determine whether or not an outside or inside shot would be attempted. That has been changed to a straight 50/50 chance of the player attempting an outside or inside shot, regardless of the number of shooting stars the player has.

In the previous versions, if a *I rated player, for instance, did not attempt a three-point or penetration shot, then there was an 83% chance that the player would attempt an inside shot and a 17% chance he would attempt an outside shot. A ****I rated player would have a 33% chance of attempting an inside shot and a 67% chance of attempting an outside shot in these situations. Obviously, when we get to the point where an Outside/Inside rated shooter may have an outside or inside shot, there should be a 50/50 chance of either occurring. 😣

Other changes were the fixing of typos and/or poor wording in the text in certain sections of the document. The new version is now available for download from the X Files section.