Monday, March 20, 2023

Offensive Foul Adjustment (Advanced Game)

As you know, whenever a player attempts a penetration or inside shot in the advanced/super-advanced game and a D9 or D11 roll occurs, the result is an automatic offensive foul against the player attempting the shot. This has never sat right with me for several reasons. First, too many offensive fouls occur in the game. Second, too few defensive fouls occur in the game (at least for seasons from 1995 to present), contributing to the below average free throw attempts that generally occur in games from the aforementioned seasons. Finally, it seems intuitive to me that the chance of an offensive foul occurring from a penetration or inside shot attempt should be directly affected by the type of defense that is being played by a team. If a team is playing a Sag defense, it makes sense to me that players on defense have more time to get in position to take a charge. Conversely, if a team is playing a Close defense, players on defense would have less time to get in position to take a charge.

If you think as I do, you can use the following rule adjustment to somewhat mitigate the aforementioned issues:

Offensive Foul Adjustment

Whenever an offensive foul reading occurs from the team defense card, roll a 20-sided die and apply the result to the chart below, based on the team defense being employed, to determine whether an offensive foul or defensive foul has occurred.

Close: 1-5 Offensive Foul, 6-20 Defensive Foul.
Normal: 1-10 Offensive Foul, 11-20 Defensive Foul.
Sag: 1-15 Offensive Foul, 16-20 Defensive Foul.


  1. This is one of my favorite rule adjustments of yours. I only use Normal defense, and instead of 1-10 and 11-20 I do "odd if offensive." This works great in parallel with SOM's foul assignment chart.

  2. Any thoughts on a homebrew fatigue system?
