Monday, March 16, 2020

Inside Block Man Rule Adjustment (Advanced Game)

15.4 Inside Man's Block Rating Applicable Against Other Positions. Inside Man's Block Rating  NOT Applicable against Own Man - Shot Missed.

Rule 15.4 makes sense when the offensive team is in its half-court offense, as the block man is giving his man open outside shots, while playing off him, so as to have the ability to come over and attempt to block shots by other players in the paint; this it the role of the inside block man. But I discovered two situations where the block man would not inherently be in position to attempt to block or disrupt an opponent's shot; on rebound shots resulting from missed fastbreak shots or missed free throw attempts. Ah, that's right, you had never considered that, had you? Fortunately, I'm just anal enough about making the game feel as close to the real thing as possible to have spotted this minor flaw in the rule.

You see, I figure that after a missed fastbreak shot that is rebounded by an offensive player, the block man is most likely still trying to get back down the court, and is in no position to block a put back attempt. And in the case of a missed free throw attempt, the designated block man is getting boxed out in the scrum for the rebound, and again is in no position to block a put back attempt after an offensive rebound in that situation either.

Therefore, I've adjusted sub-rule 15.41 in my games to read as follows:

15.41 If the defense does not have an inside block man, or the shot is a rebound shot resulting from a missed fastbreak shot or a missed free throw attempt, the shot is automatically good.

Now whenever D-7 is rolled on a put back after an offensive rebound from a missed fastbreak shot or free throw attempt, the inside block man is considered out of the play, as I feel should be the case.

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