Saturday, April 11, 2020

Default Solitaire Defensive Strategies (Advanced Game)

When playing the advanced game solitaire, there are several defensive strategy decisions that I default to for both teams. The reason for doing so is to eliminate as many coaching decisions as possible in my solitaire play; as I've mentioned in previous posts, you can't "out-coach" yourself when playing solitaire, so I don't try.

Here are the defensive decisions that I default to, for both teams, in my solitaire games:

Selecting the Inside Block Man 
Always select the player on the floor who has the highest Block rating, as the inside block man for each team.

Selecting the Team Defense Card 
Always use the Normal team defense card for both teams, for the entire duration of the game.

Do not use the Double-Teaming rule when playing solitaire.
Using the above defensive defaults in my solitaire games has also given me much more realistic statistical results as well. If you have your own defensive defaults, please share in the Comments section. My defaults are quite vanilla; no thinking required. BUT, you could also come up with defaults based on preset criteria, so, in effect, you're still not trying to out-coach yourself; if the preset criteria you set in advance exists, then the defaults for those criteria would be in effect.

1 comment:

  1. These are my solitaire defaults as well. No need to overthink it.
