Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Offensive/Defensive Fouls Adjustment (Advanced)

If you've played the Advanced game for any amount of time, you probably found a lot of offensive fouls occurring in your games. You probably also noticed that the Advanced games does not produce enough team fouls and free throw attempts. In order to reduce offensive fouls, and increase free throw attempts in the game, I use the following rule in my solitaire games:

Offensive/Defensive Fouls Adjustment 
Whenever an Offensive Foul reading occurs from the team defense card, roll a six-sided die. If the result is an odd number then accept the offensive foul reading. If the result is an even number then treat the reading as an F(2) result instead.
This rule has worked very well for decreasing offensive fouls, while increasing free throw attempts to a more realistic level, in my solitaire games. The other thing that I like about this rule is that it also replicates the bang-bang nature of the charging/blocking foul call in the NBA; it can go either way.

If you decide to use this rule in your solitaire play, don't feel bound to use the six-sided die roll to determine the call; even I don't. I created the wording of the rule with the assumption that the player is only rolling the special black die and two white dice. I roll two additional dice in my games; a twenty-sided die for my Determining Three-Point Shot Attempts rule, and an extra colored six-sided die for my Determining the Fastbreak Offense rule. When an Offensive Foul reading occurs from the team defense card, I use the result on the twenty-sided die to determine whether or not an offensive foul or F(2) occurs. I could also use the result on the colored six-sided die if I preferred. If you wanted, you could even use the passing number from the next to last discarded action card deck to get your odd/even number for this rule.

Now, I use the Normal team defense throughout the entire game in my solitaire play; if you change team defensive cards based on the opposing lineup in your solitaire play, or are playing head-to-head, you might also want to consider this variation on the rule:

Offensive/Defensive Fouls Adjustment (Variation) 
When playing a Normal team defense, whenever a Offensive Foul reading occurs on a Penetration or Inside shot attempt, roll a six-sided die. If the result is an odd number then accept the offensive foul reading. If the result is an even number then treat the reading as an F(2) result instead. 
When playing a Close team defense, whenever a Offensive Foul reading occurs on a Penetration or Inside shot attempt, treat ALL readings of Offensive Foul from the team defense card as an F(2) result instead. 
When playing a Sag team defense, whenever a Offensive Foul reading occurs on a Penetration or Inside shot attempt, accept the Offensive Foul result from the team defense card. 
No matter which team defensive card you are using, whenever an Offensive Foul reading occurs from the Fastbreak column, on a Fastbreak shot attempt, roll a six-sided die. If the result is an even number then treat the reading as an F(2) result instead.
 This variation gives good strategy options for the players involved; play Close to shutdown the three, but commit more shooting fouls on Penetration and Inside shot attempts? Play a Sag defense against a lineup with good Penetration or Inside shooters to induce more offensive fouls, but increasing your opponent's shooting percentage on three-point shot attempts?

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